A landlord has written a notice to male tenant to evict his house because his act of prostitution can not be tolerated.
In the notice making rounds on the internet,the landlord revealed that the man has been bringing serveral girls to the apartment and has been warned on serveral occasions to desist from the act but he refused to listen.
According to the landlord,by the end of November the tenant is expected to vacate the apartment.
Read the letter below;

After the letter went viral, netizens have shared their comments.
aprilhouseofgold1 – One boy in my compound needs this notice!! Dude has no spec, everything goes 😢
aminatiiiie – 😂😂😂😂😂😂
chia_msuur – 😂😂😂😂😂
skinnygoldie – Ochichirichi😂😂
sharonejikeme – The guy na brostitute 😂😂😂
ms_queenny – 😂😂😂God somebody son🙈🙈
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